Faculty |
Prof. em. Dr. Christian Schönenberger leader Nanoelectronics Group CV Office 1.15 christian.schoenenberger-at-unibas.ch Phone +41 (0)61 207 39 06 Mobile: +41 (0)79 959 15 05 professor emeritus of the University of Basel and co-founder of YQuantum
Dr. Andreas Baumgartner Office 1.15 andreas.baumgartner-at-unibas.ch Phone: +41 (0)61 207 39 06 member of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and since Jan. 2024 additionally member of the Zumbühl group
Christian Woelfle Administrative Assistant Office 1.08 christian.woelfle-at-unibas.ch Phone: +41 (0)61 207 3688
Research Scientist(s) |
Dr. Paritosh Karnatak paritosh.karnatak-at-unibas.ch Phone: +41 61 207 3761
now researcher in the Poggio lab
Dr. Deepankar Sarmah deepankar.sarmah-at-unibas.ch Phone: +41 61 207 3761
also researcher at YQuantum
PhD Student(s) |
Rounak Jha Office 1.25 rounak.jha-at-unibas.ch Phone: +41 61 267 37 03
also at the lab of Prof. Dr. Mitali Banerjee
Master Students |
Visitors |