suspended CVD graphene
The 7th Graphene workshop was successfully organised in Basel. We had great participation from leading groups in the field. We look forward to welcoming you in Budapest in 2024. We thank all the participants for the great success of the event.
Here are a few memories from the workshop.


The 7th Graphene workshop will be held in Basel from 16th to 18th August, 2023.
The workshop would include transport, optical and local probing studies in van der Waals heterostructures, with the focus on Moiré materials, superconductivity and emergent correlated phases, electron interferometry, ballistic graphene, heterobilayers, and so on.
Paritosh Karnatak, University of Basel
Péter Makk, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Previous editions
6th Graphene workshop, Budapest
5th Graphene workshop, Basel

Supported by the Quantum- and Nanoelectronics group