suspended CVD graphene
The plan was to hike in the Swiss alps in the Greina area and stay overnight in the SAC hut Terrhütte. Due to the bad weather forcast, Martin, Christian and Frederick decided one day before to change to Ticino to a hiking trip in the Leventina. So we went on Tursday 5 Sept. by train through the old Gothard tunnel to Ambri Piotta and than with the bus to Dalpe. Then we walked up the mountains to the SAC hut Campo Tencia. It was raining the first hour, the second hour was nice, but there was quite some rain during the last hour before reaching the hut. We were welcome in the hut by a warm fire and we had plenty of time to play cards (Jassen). After a great dinner and quiety night (not for all of us), everyone was looking forward to see and enjoy a great scenery the next day…but when we got up the next day and it was white outside…snow! For safety reasons we decided to walk down to Dalpe.

But on the way back to Basel we stopped in Luzerne and had a walk through the city, in particular we walked oer the Kappelerbrücke and had an ice cream there together.
We all enjoyed this excursion; it was a small adventure. Thanks to the organizers and thanks to all that joined!